Tom & Katriona (Kat to close friends) met in rather serendipitous circumstances at Burning Man in the Nevada Desert back in 2016. It was Tom’s 4th day in the US (ever) when he arrived early for a Mad Hatter party, unbeknownst to him at Katriona’s camp called Serendipitea. Upon arrival at Serendipitea he was welcomed by Katriona, who was tasked by the camp to be a “greeter” due to her outward and friendly personality. Katriona performed her duties admirably and the rest is history…
noun, /ˌserənˈdipədē/
the occurrence and development of events by chance in a happy or beneficial way
Serendipitous events continued after their meeting at the camp Serendipitea…
Katriona was living happily in NYC and Tom London. Tom was very early in a hiring process for a London-based job, that if he got it, would require him to be in the New York for a week or two a month. Six months later, he got the job and by February 2017 he was back in the US. Cue a message to Katriona…